To open URLs like: ssh://user@hostname.comCheck to see if ssh protocol handler is already set: Create desktop entry (.desktop file) for ssh handler: Set default ssh handler: Now open URL from browser. Done!
Category Archives: Tutorials
Loop back device
Filesystem in a file Create a file Setup loop-back device Find first available loop-back device Create loop back device (using first available loop-back device and file) Check status of loop-back devices Format Partitioning is optional. Format to ext3 filesystem Mount Make a mount point Mount loop-back device Log
Password less (key based) ssh authentication
Password-less authentication using public/private key pair Create public/private key pair Default is RSA key pair for use with SSH v2 It is created in .ssh/ in home directory Files created are id_rsa (private key file) and (public key file) Copy public key to remote server .ssh/authorized_keys file .ssh/ is in the home directory of […]
Encrypted drive
Coming soon…